Monday, March 14, 2011

Final Concept

This is our final concept. It is based on our two concepts and the comments we received from other groups. We used mostly color and size to try and direct the viewers of the map in a certain direction.


  1. Very nice concept using a mix of gradients and 3d elements to bring depth to the image. They are very subtle. The symbols are nice too! I also barely noticed the direction the man was looking, but that is good as it is very subtle! Overall a good concept to present, my only question is whether the route itself is an indicator?

    Regards, and good luck tomorrow, Team Y

  2. I like it a lot as well! Very clear and not to simplistic. I also like the marking of the buildings with the use of the dark-grey areas. I'm curious If your testsubjects will understand the direction to follow the route and will be able to understand the symbols.
